
Primary LanguageGo


Filler is a simple tool to fill config templates using environment variables.

CLI usage


filler --src <directory> --ext <template_extension>

Sample usage:

filler --src /etc --ext tpl

sample test.conf.tpl placed in /etc :

This is template file version {{ getEnv "VERSION" }}
  1. This sample command runs filler on /etc directory
  2. Filler will search for files with mask *.devops_template (recursively)
  3. Filler will find test.conf.devops_template
  4. Fills every action getEnv with value of defined variable name.
  5. Saves in file without template extension (in this case test.conf)
  6. Removes template files

Sample with array:

Variable with array should looks like this:


Template file which use this array:

{{ range getEnvArray "ARRAY"}}{{ . }}
{{ end }}

Output file:


With direct environment variable access

{{ .ENV1 }}
{{ .ENV2 }}

With required function

{{ required .MISSING_ENV }}

If MISSING_ENV is not set in the shell an error will be returned:

template: templateCli:2:17: executing "templateCli" at <required>: error calling required: ENV variable is missing

With custom delimiter

~~ .ENV1 ~~

filler --left-delim '~~' --right-delim '~~'

With in-place templating

filler --in-place - extension doesn't need to be provided



  • finch - to build and publish images on MacOS
  • devbox - to prepare development environment with required tools, execute devbox shell to enter development environment
  • taskfile - to execute tasks related to builds or tests, run task build-and-test to build Filler and execute tests