
Source code (front-end + back-end) for http://www.tomatotimer.in/

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tomato Timer

A simple productivity application for practicing the pomodoro time management technique with others over the internet. If you're interested in it solely in that capacity, there is a live web client up at tomatotimer.in

Developer / Contributer Quickstart (WIP, last edited 03/21/2021)

This quickstart is intentionally terse and is intended to be used as a quick reference when reading through the codebase rather than a comprehensive guide directed at users of all experience levels.

Assistance with issues in the initial set-up (cloning repos, checking out new branches, initializing venvs, etc) are beyond the scope of this quickstart.

Initial Set-Up

  1. Clone this repository from the GitHub.
  2. Checkout to a new branch with a semi-descriptive name (ie. timer-bugfix).
  3. Initialize a virtual environment.
  4. Install the project build dependencies in requirements.txt.
  5. Verify correct installation by evoking flask run from the project directory.

Project Structure

NOTE: License, readme, and deployment files excluded.


The bulk of the application logic resides in this directory


This (unsurprisingly) contains all the web client's static content, including all of the JavaScript


The home of all the jinja templates.


Poorly named file, contains the server-side implementation of the Timer class.

The client-side counterpart of that class can be found in app/static/room.js


All URL routing and the majority of server-side logic lives here.


configuration variables


entrypoint for the Flask app defined in the app director


Unit tests, utilizes the Python standard library rather than Flask's built-in testing capabilities.