CPSC_5616: Machine Learning and Deep Learning, 2024W

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Machine Learning Course Repository

This repository contains code and resources related to the labs for the CPSC_5616-Machine Learning/Deep Learning course(2024W) at Laurentian University. The course covers a wide range of topics in machine learning, deep learning, neural network and more.


The purpose of this repository is to provide a centralized location for accessing and managing course materials, including lecture notes, assignments, and project specifications.

Jupyter Notebook Setup

To run the code provided in the Jupyter Notebook files within this repository, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/Airmacho/CPSC_5616_MLDL.git
  2. Navigate to the directory containing the Jupyter Notebook file for the specific assignment or project you want to run.

  3. Launch Jupyter Notebook:

    jupyter notebook
  4. In your web browser, open the Jupyter Notebook file (.ipynb) and execute the code cells sequentially.

Assignment 1: Linear Regression

The first assignment focuses on implementing linear regression, a fundamental technique in machine learning, using Python and Jupyter Notebook. In this assignment, you will:

  • Load and preprocess a dataset
  • Implement the gradient descent algorithm to optimize the parameters of a linear regression model with one variable
  • Evaluate the performance of the model using appropriate test cases
  • Visualize the results and analyze the relationship between input features and target variable

To access the assignment notebook, navigate to the Assignment_1 directory and open the C1_W2_Linear_Regression.ipynb file.

Assignment 2: Linear Regression

The second assignment focuses on using neural networks for handwritten digit recognition, specifically digits 0-9.

  • Introduced the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activation function for non-linearity in neural networks.
  • Utilized the softmax function to convert output values into a probability distribution for multiclass classification.
  • Implemented a neural network for recognizing handwritten digits 0-9 using TensorFlow.
  • Worked with a dataset of 5000 training examples of 20x20 grayscale images unrolled into a 400-dimensional vector.
  • Demonstrated creating a NumPy implementation of the softmax function for converting values to a probability distribution.
  • Examined the neural network model representation with two dense layers and an output layer tailored for digit recognition.

To access the assignment notebook, navigate to the Assignment_2 directory.

Assignment 3: Decision Trees

The third assignment centers around creating a decision tree using the provided dataset. The procedure for constructing the decision tree is detailed as follows:

  1. Entropy Calculation: Develop a utility function named calculate_entropy to evaluate the entropy (representing impurity) at a given node.

  2. Dataset Partitioning: Establish a function named partition_dataset to segment the data at a node into left and right branches based on a chosen feature.

  3. Information Gain Computation: Implement a function to determine the information gain achieved by splitting on a particular feature.

  4. Feature Selection: Identify the feature that yields the maximum information gain to effectively partition nodes and construct the decision tree.

Assignment 4: K-means Clustering

The assignment introduces the K-means algorithm for clustering data points together. It involves starting with a sample dataset to understand the algorithm and then using it for image compression by reducing the number of colors in an image.

  • Implementing K-means:

    • The algorithm iteratively assigns data points to centroids and refines these assignments based on the mean of the points assigned to each centroid.
    • The process involves initializing centroids, assigning examples to the closest centroids, and updating centroids based on these assignments.
  • Finding Closest Centroids:

    • In this phase, each training example is assigned to its closest centroid based on Euclidean distance.
    • The function find_closest_centroids computes these assignments by minimizing the Euclidean distance between data points and centroids.
  • Computing Centroid Means:

    • After assigning points to centroids, the algorithm recomputes the mean of points assigned to each centroid.
    • The function compute_centroids calculates new centroids by computing the mean of points assigned to each centroid.
  • K-means on a Sample Dataset:

    • The K-means algorithm is applied to a toy 2D dataset after implementing the two functions.
    • The algorithm runs iteratively, visualizing the progress at each iteration to demonstrate how K-means works effectively.

Assignment 5: Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems

This assignment introduces an implementation of collaborative filtering to build a recommender system for movies. The collaborative filtering algorithm aims to generate parameter vectors for users and feature vectors for movies, which, when combined with bias terms, provide estimates of user ratings for movies.

  1. Notation: Introduces the notation and mathematical concepts used in collaborative filtering.
  2. Recommender Systems: Explains the goal of collaborative filtering and how parameter vectors for users and movies are learned.
  3. Movie Ratings Dataset: Describes the movie ratings dataset used in the exercise, including its structure and key statistics.
  4. Collaborative Filtering Learning Algorithm: Implements the objective function for collaborative filtering, which involves computing the cost function and learning parameters ( X ), ( W ), and ( b ) using TensorFlow.
  5. Learning Movie Recommendations: Utilizes a custom TensorFlow training loop to train the collaborative filtering model and learn movie recommendations based on user ratings.
  6. Recommendations: Generates movie recommendations for users based on their preferences and the learned parameters.