
Example GatsbyJS blog using Airtable as a CMS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A basic GatsbyJS blog that uses Airtable as a CMS.

For more detailed instructions on how to set this up, be sure to read our how-to blog post.

This example uses the Hampton theme.


Start by installing the project's dependencies and the Gatsby CLI:

$ yarn
$ yarn global add gatsby-cli

Next, add your Airtable API key and base ID to gatsby-config.js. You can find this information via our interactive API documentation.

If you're following along with the blog post, you don't need to change anything else. Otherwise, you may have to change the table/view name, GraphQL queries, and template variables to match your own base schema.

To start your development server:

$ gatsby develop

Your blog should now be visible at localhost:8000!