
Makers week 10 individual challenge - command line app that returns a users bank statement

Primary LanguageHTML

Bank Account

This is a command line application that allows a user to view their bank statement. The statement includes the dates of their transactions, their credit, debit and balance.


Acceptance criteria

Given a client makes a deposit of 1000 on 10-01-2023
And a deposit of 2000 on 13-01-2023
And a withdrawal of 500 on 14-01-2023
When she prints her bank statement
Then she would see

date || credit || debit || balance
14/01/2023 || || 500.00 || 2500.00
13/01/2023 || 2000.00 || || 3000.00
10/01/2023 || 1000.00 || || 1000.00

User Stories

Here is a list of user stories I made in order to create this application:

As an account owner
So that I can store my money in my account
I would like to deposit money in my account

As an account owner
So that I can access money inside my account
I would like to withdraw money from my account

As an account owner
So that I am aware of the activity of my account
I would like to see a statement of my account with dates, credits, debits and balances

As an account owner
So that I can have regular access to my account
I would like to make withdrawals and deposits from my account on multiple days

As an account owner
So that I don't use my overdraft
I would like to be notified if my withdrawal exceeds the amount of money I have in my account


UML Class Diagram

This diagrams displays the main class of this command line application - BankAccount.

BankAccount  <|-- Transaction
class BankAccount
BankAccount: -Array this.allTransactions
BankAccount: -Integer this.balance
BankAccount: -String this.eachRow
BankAccount: -Array this.allRows
BankAccount: +addTransaction(transaction)
BankAccount: +calculateBalance()
BankAccount: +overdrawn() string
BankAccount: +createStatement()
BankAccount: +printStatement() string

class Transaction
Transaction: -String this.date
Transaction: -Integer this.amount
Transaction: -String this.type


This command line application was created using

  • Eslint v8.20.0
  • Jest v28.1.2
  • Node v18.5.0
  • Npm v8.12.1

How to Get Started

To be able to run this command line application, you will need install the following packages:

Clone this repository

$ git clone https://github.com/Aisha-Yusuff/Bank-tech-test

Go into the repository

$ cd bank-tech-test

Install npm

$ npm install

Initialise the NPM project (this will create a file package.json)

$ npm init -y

Add the jest package to your project

$ npm add jest

Also install jest "globally"

$ npm install -g jest

You can then run test using this command

$ jest

Install ESlint

$ npm init @eslint/config