
Install dependencies. Note: tested with version 1.0.19 of gatsby-plugin-newrelic-test.

npm install

Running the benchmark

You can start a benchmark run using the following:

N=1000 M=2 npm run bench
  • N=1000: instructs the run to build a site with 1000 pages
  • M=2: instructs nodejs to use up to 2gb of memory for its long term storage
  • Deletes generated files from previous run
  • Generates N pages with pseudo-random content, copies one image from fab-images per page generated
  • Runs gatsby clean
  • Runs gatsby build

The default npm run bench will build 512 pages with 1gb memory.

Viewing the app

Set the following environment variables:


Assuming your credentials are valid, you should now be able to run the app.

gatsby develop