
Interactive shopping list web app that allows users to add items to 'Need' and 'Have' lists. Items can be moved between lists and deleted. Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

🛒 Interactive Shopping List Web App 📝

Welcome to the Interactive Shopping List web app by Aishik Dasgupta! This simple yet handy app allows users to create and manage shopping lists effortlessly. Whether you need to keep track of items you need to purchase or items you already have, this app has got you covered. 🤩

Features 🌟

✅ Create separate 'Need' and 'Have' lists. ✅ Add items to both lists with ease. ✅ Drag and drop items to move them between lists. ✅ Delete items when they are no longer needed. ✅ User-friendly and intuitive interface.

Technologies Used 🚀

This web app is built using the following technologies:

  • HTML: For structuring the web page.
  • CSS: For styling and making the app visually appealing.
  • JavaScript: For adding interactivity and functionality.
  • jQuery: A JavaScript library used for DOM manipulation and event handling.

Getting Started 🏁

To run this app locally on your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine using the following command:

    git clone <repository-url>
  2. Open the index.html file in your preferred web browser.

How to Use 🤔

  1. Launch the app by opening the index.html file in your web browser.

  2. You will see two lists: 'Need' and 'Have'.

  3. To add an item to the 'Need' or 'Have' list, simply type the item's name in the input field and click the 'Add' button.

  4. To move an item between lists, click and hold the item you want to move, drag it to the other list, and release it.

  5. To delete an item, hover over it and click the 'Delete' button that appears.

  6. Your shopping lists will be saved locally, so you can come back to them later even after closing the app.

Contributing 🤝

If you'd like to contribute to this project or report issues, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

License 📜

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Screenshots 📷

Screenshot from 2023-09-08 19-31-14

Acknowledgments 🙏

Special thanks to the open-source community for their contributions and support in creating this web app.

Happy shopping! 🛍️🎉