This is a corpus of manually annotated tweets for the emotion detection task (using Plutchik’s eight basic emotions) produced as a result of my master thesis and published as a paper.


Corpus consists of {tweet_id: label} pairs.

Tweet_id is an original id of the tweet from Twitter. We can provide only id-s due to Twitter’s policy, however the way how to get the texts of the tweets will be explained below.

Each label represents the emotions in a tweet in form of 8-dimensional vector for 8 emotion types. Each value in a vector is a float number between 0 and 3 representing the presence and intensity of each emotion, where 0 is «absent» and 3 is a «maximum intensity». The emotions in the vector are located in the following order: anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, anticipation, trust.


The labeled_tweets.txt file contains the corpus in human-readable form.

The labeled_tweets_dump.txt file contains the corpus in computer readable form. In order to access it, run the following python code:

import pickle

labeled_tweets = pickle.load(open('labeled_tweets_dump.txt', 'rb'))

for key in labeled_tweets:
	tweet_id = key
	tweet_label = labeled_tweets[key]
	print(tweet_id, tweet_label)

To get the text of the tweet using its id:

  • install tweepy, create an app and get your credentials
  • use following code:
#set up tweepy

import tweepy

CONSUMER_KEY = #your credentials
CONSUMER_SECRET = #your credentials
ACCESS_TOKEN = #your credentials
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = #your credentials

auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)
api = tweepy.API(auth)

#get the texts

for key in labeled_tweets:
		tweet_id = key
		tweet = api.get_status(tweet_id)
		print("this tweet does not exist anymore")


Please, feel free to use the following BibTex citation if you shall use the corpus for publication purposes:

  title={Distant Supervision for Emotion Classification Task using emoji2emotion},
  author={Rakhmetullina, Aisulu and Trautmann, Dietrich and Groh, Georg},