
This Repository is for Code Build to Scrape MEDIUM and analyse the scrapped data

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Medium Web Scrapper

To run this, user has to install scrapy library using pip install scrapy

There are two scrappers

  1. medium_scrapper_post.py This scrapper searches Medium for articles based on a user inputted search string.

To run the scrapper, use

scrapy runspider -a searchString=searchTerm medium_scrapper_post.py

  1. medium_scrapper_tag_archive.py This scraper get all Articles for a particular tag slug in a given date range

Note : If tag is Data Science, then pass tag as 'data-science' in tagSlug Parameter To run the scrapper, use

scrapy runspider -a tagSlug='tagSlug' -a start_date=YYYYmmdd -a end_date=YYYYmmdd medium_scrapper_tag_archive.py

Medium Posts Data Extraction

The file DataExtraction.py extracts information from the json files scrapped by the scrapper medium_scrapper_post.py. To extract information from json files scrapped by medium_scrapper_tag_archive.py (scrapping from tags archive) then use Data_Extraction_Archive_Tags.py