
A simple command line tool to detector the potential conflicted classes in jars The similar tool called jarfish in java.

Usage: jcd [OPTIONS] --jars <JAR_LIST>

  -j, --jars <JAR_LIST>    The jar list joined by semicolon
  -c, --check <CHECK>      [default: size] [possible values: size, crc, none]
  -e, --exclude <EXCLUDE>  The exclude package prefix, can be declared multiple times
  -h, --help               Print help
  -V, --version            Print version


jcd --jars "a.jar;b.jar" --exclude package1/to/exclude --exclude package2/to/exclude 

By default, the class only recognized as conflicted when it has the same class name but with different size. It can be tuned to check crc number -c crc or disable check with -c none.


  • Multi thread processing
  • Output to file
  • Specify the output format, eg: json
  • Maybe some benchmark