
Personal solutions and attempts to the problems listed on Project Euler Archives

Primary LanguagePython

Project Euler

Personal solutions and attempts to the problems listed on Project Euler Archives

Add problem to repository

Run create_solution.py and omit the project number from the archives. It will fetch the assignment automatically and create the bare bone files with runtime tracking.

Runtime tracker

Automatically added assignments come with runtime tracking. To enable the @euler decorator, run the following command first in the main directory to add it to the euler project to the sys.path.

python setup.py develop


PID Problem
001 Multiples of 3 and 5 Euler Solution Python (in 750µs) 😍
002 Even Fibonacci numbers Euler Solution Python (in 52µs) 😍
003 Largest prime factor Euler Solution Python (in 657ms) 😍
004 Largest palindrome product Euler Solution Python (in 9ms) 😍
005 Smallest multiple Euler Solution Python (in 22.5s)
185 Number Mind Euler Solution Python (in 524µs) 😏