
Snake Game clone built with Python3

Primary LanguagePython

Snake Game clone


This project is a clone of the famous Snake Game where the snake must eat as many apples as it can without collisioning with itself or any of the walls surrounding it. I put in practice my Python3 skills and Object Oriented Programming in an exciting and interactive project, which is always in development process as there are more features to come. Pygame is the library chosen to use, given its availability and resources, and was the biggest challenge when reading documentation. As mentioned earlier, features like time limit, score tracker and better animation are still to come.


Python3 pygame

How to use

  1. Execute the main.py file for the game to start
  2. The snake will run down first but constantly, use arrows <, >, ˄, ˅ to change the snake running direction
  3. Eat as many apples as you can, each time you eat one, it will create another one in a new position
  4. If the snake hits itself, you lose
  5. Press Esc to finish and leave the game at any time


MIT License