
A news app to keep yourself updated with latest things happening around you.

Primary LanguageDart

A news app to keep yourself updated with latest things happening around you.

App UI

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made-with-flutter Release

Know More App

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

Navigation and Routing

  • Flutter Navigator is just a stack with special methods like (future, futurebuilder, theme, etc).
  • Screens/Routes are just widgets.
  • Navigation from one route to another defines workflow of application.

State Management

  • Stateless/Statefull widgets.
  • Flutter reflects its UI by reflecting current state.
  • State is read while widget is built and can be changed using setState() for Stateful widgets.

Object Oriented Approach

  • Handling various functionalities by binding them in Class and creating Objects of them.
  • Reusability of Code, Reducing Redundancy.

Use of 3rd Party Packages

  • Use of external packages provide application with variety of usefull functionalities.
  • Make Application Standout.

Dependencies Used

webview_flutter: ^3.0.4

http: ^0.13.4

url_launcher: ^6.1.5

share_plus: ^4.0.10

drawerbehavior: ^0.0.4

Directory Structure

Know More
|-- lib
|   |-- components
|   |   |-- customListTile.dart
|   |   `-- DrawerTile.dart
|   |
|   |-- models
|   |   |-- article_model.dart
|   |   `-- source_model.dart
|   |
|   |-- pages
|   |   |-- article_details_page.dart
|   |   |-- HomePage.dart
|   |   `-- NewsPage.dart
|   |
|   |-- services
|   |   `-- api_service.dart
|   |
|   `-- main.dart
`-- pubspec.yaml


  • Sun (Light) and Moon (Dark) Themes
  • Latest news Snippets of all across India
  • Drawer which allows easy selection of news
    • Business
    • Entertainment
    • Sports
    • Health
    • Science
    • Technology
  • WebView to read the detailed news
  • Open news in external web browser
  • Share news url


To build this app from scratch you will need to install Flutter and Dart SDK on your machine: Flutter, Dart.
Along with this, you will need editor to work on codes like this namely VSCode or IntelliJ IDEA.

How to Run this App

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/AjCodez/flutter_news_app

# Install dependencies
$ flutter pub get

# Run the APP on the open device (Android or IOS)
$ flutter run
