
ALBERT and DistilBERT classification models for the DBpedia ontology dataset.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

DBpedia Multi-class classification using ALBERT and DistilBERT

Business Objective

This project focuses on addressing the shortcomings of existing models in terms of memory optimization, prediction latency, and space usage. The project also introduces two new models:

  • ALBERT: A Lite BERT for Self-supervised Learning of Language Representations.
  • DistilBERT: A distilled version of BERT: smaller, faster, cheaper, and lighter.

The goal is to optimize space and memory usage with minimal impact on prediction accuracy.

Data Description

The project uses the DBpedia ontology classification dataset, which consists of 14 non-overlapping classes selected from DBpedia 2014. From each class, 40,000 training samples and 5,000 testing samples are randomly chosen, resulting in a training dataset of 560,000 and a testing dataset of 70,000 samples. The dataset includes three columns:

  • Title: The title of the document.
  • Content: The body of the document.
  • Label: One of 14 possible topics.


The project aims to build two classification models, ALBERT and DistilBERT, for the DBpedia ontology dataset.

Tech Stack

  • Language: Python
  • Libraries: datasets, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, ktrain, transformers, tensorflow, `sklearn


  1. Install the required libraries.
  2. Load the 'DBpedia' dataset.
  3. Load train and test data.
  4. Data pre-processing:
    • Assign column names to the dataset.
    • Append and save the dataset.
    • Drop redundant columns.
    • Add a text length column for visualization.
  5. Perform data visualization:
    • Histogram plots.
  6. ALBERT model:
    • Check for hardware and RAM availability.
    • Import necessary libraries.
    • Data interpretations.
    • Create an ALBERT model instance.
    • Split the train and validation data.
    • Perform data pre-processing.
    • Compile ALBERT model in a K-train learner object.
    • Fine-tune the ALBERT model on the dataset.
    • Check performance on validation data.
    • Save the ALBERT model.
  7. DistilBERT model:
    • Check for hardware and RAM availability.
    • Import necessary libraries.
    • Data interpretations.
    • Create a DistilBERT model instance.
    • Split the train and validation data.
    • Perform data pre-processing.
    • Compile DistilBERT model in a K-train learner object.
    • Fine-tune the DistilBERT model on the dataset.
    • Check performance on validation data.
    • Save the DistilBERT model.
  8. Create a BERT model using the DBpedia dataset for comparative study.
  9. Follow the above steps for creating a BERT model on the 'Emotion' dataset.
  10. Follow the above steps for creating an ALBERT model on the 'Emotion' dataset.
  11. Follow the above steps for creating a DistilBERT model on the 'Emotion' dataset.
  12. Save all the generated models.

Modular Code Overview

  1. Input: Contains data for analysis, including CSV files and a tar.gz file.

    • dbpedia_14_test.csv
    • dbpedia_14_train.csv
    • dbpedia_csv.tar.gz
  2. Src: The most important folder with modularized code for all the project steps. It includes:

    • Engine.py
    • ML_Pipeline: A folder with functions split into different Python files, appropriately named. These functions are called within Engine.py.
  3. Output: Contains the ALBERT and DistilBERT models trained on this data. These models can be easily loaded and used for future applications without retraining.

    • Note: These models are built on a subset of the data. To obtain models for the entire dataset, run Engine.py using the complete data for training.
  4. Lib: A reference folder with original IPython notebooks

Getting Started

  1. Install the required packages stated in the requirements.txt file:

    • For Anaconda:
      conda create --name <yourenvname>
      conda activate <yourenvname>
      pip install -r requirements.txt
    • For Python Interpreter:
      pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. The repository is modularized into individual sections performing specific tasks.

    • Navigate to the src folder.
    • Under src, you'll find:
      • ML_Pipeline: Contains modules with function declarations for specific machine learning tasks.
      • engine.py: The core of the project where all function calls are made.
  3. Run or debug the engine.py file, and all necessary steps will be executed automatically based on the logic.

  4. Input datasets are stored in the input folder.

  5. Predictions and models are stored in the output folder.