
This is a to-do list built using HTML, CSS, Javascript

Primary LanguageCSS


This is a to-do list CRUD application built using HTML, CSS, Javascript.

What I learnt

1) How to use Javscript DOM to dynamically render new element onto the screen as a response using event listeners.

We'll create the element like this:

  var nodeTodo=document.createElement('div'); // This will create a <div></div> element
  var appendNode=document.querySelector('.to-do-task'); // We'll select the node within which we'll render the element
        <button class="remove-button">Done</button>
    appendNode.append(nodeTodo);  // We'll append that created node with content and it'll be rendered

2) Usage of the event object

Event is an object that gets returned after an event such as a click, change, mouseover event has been triggered and we can us that object to select the element at that event and work with it, like this:

     var removeNode=event.target;

Desktop Design


Mobile Design


Live URL
