Strapi Starter Gatsby Corporate Site

Gatsby starter for creating a corporate site with Strapi.

Getting started

Use our create-strapi-starter CLI to create your project.

# Using Yarn
yarn create strapi-starter my-site gatsby-corporate

# Or using NPM
npx create-strapi-starter my-site gatsby-corporate

The CLI will create a monorepo, install dependencies, and run your project automatically.

Preview Mode

You can turn preview mode on with a URL like this:


<slug> is the slug you entered in Strapi for your page. <gatsby-preview-secret> is the secret token defined in your .env.development / .env.production config,

Once preview mode is on you can then access draft pages with urls like this:


A banner will remain under the navigation to let you know preview mode is and it will allow you turn it off.

Customize your corporate site

To edit this website, you'll need to run both the frontend and the backend in your development environment.

Adding Sections

We have built sections for you, but you will likely want to add more to fit your needs. Follow these steps:

  • Create a new component in Strapi in the "sections" category
  • In the Content-Types Builder, open the Pages collection and check your new section on the contentSections field.
  • Create a React component that takes a data prop in /frontend/components/sections
  • To link your Strapi section to this React component, open /frontend/components/sections.js, and add an entry to the sectionComponents object.

Custom theme

We use Tailwind CSS for styling. To modify your page's look, you can edit the theme in /front/tailwind.config.js. Read the Tailwind docs to view all the changes you can make. For example, you can change the primary color like this:

const { colors } = require(`tailwindcss/defaultTheme`);

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {

Deploying to production

You will need to deploy the frontend and backend projects separately. Here are the docs to deploy each one:

Don't forget to set up your environment variables on your production apps.

Here are the required ones for the frontend:

  • GATSBY_STRAPI_URL: URL of your Strapi backend, without trailing slash
  • GATSBY_PREVIEW_SECRET: a random string used to protect your preview pages

Have fun using this starter!