Deepgram technical prompt

Build a simple API server to handle user audio projects. Your server should provide endpoints that allow a user to perform the following actions:

  • POST raw audio data and store it.
  • Eg: $ curl -X POST --data-binary @myfile.wav


Setup Instructions


  • Have Python 3.8 or later installed
  • Run the following commands from the project folder's root:
sudo apt-get install sqlite3 curl


  • Run the following command from the project folder's root:


  • The ./bin/audioserverdb script can be used with create/destroy/reset/dump options to configure the database

File structure walkthrough

Files/Directories used for Python setup and module installation

  • env/
  • pyproject.toml
  • requirements.txt


  • bin/*

Python Server Code

  • audioserver/*

Database setup

  • sql/*

Database temporary folder/uploads

  • var/*

Reflection Questions/Design Decisions

  • Handle user auth and data security
    • Would need to add another table of users in sql schema, stores usernames and salted + hashed passwords.
      • Could use something like HTTP Basic Access Auth, where user provides username and password in request headers
      • More modern/prevalent option is bearer token
    • Added side effect of allowing users to only see files that they uploaded, could add an 'uploaded by' field to files that references users table
  • Browser UI to interface with API
    • Form to add and upload files, sends post req to /upload on submit
    • page to list files
      • forms/buttons to filter list, would change arguments in request
      • download button next to each item in list, would make request to appropriate download
      • clicking on each file would lead to a file page with metadata about the file and a button to download
    • relatively simple in React
  • Store audio data
    • Stored as files on memory locally, renamed using uuid filenames so no conflicts
    • Sql database maps file names to uuid names, and holds metadata
    • fine for the scale of this project, but would want to store them on the cloud: Amazon S3 filestorage, Google cloud storage for firebase
    • instead of storing uuid filename, could store link to retrieve resource from a cloud provider's storage bucket
  • Data integrity
    • rogue data in the form of non-audio files
      • checked for in upload process, both by tinytag library and file extension check