
This webapp is purely running in Angular 8, installation steps and contribution steps are listed below.

Installation Setup

Step 1: Download Node, select your environment then hit download button and install it.
Step 2: After install, run this commands in your terminal

node -v - Check the version of node (Latest version is good enough)
npm -v - Check the version of Node Package Manager

Step 3: Download Angular CLI (Command Line Interface), using following command,

npm install -g @angular/cli - It will install angular globally
ng --verison - To check the angular version (latest is good enough)

Contribution Steps

Step 1: Fork this repository (Fork button is visible at the top-right corner)
Step 2: After forking, it will redirects to your repository which is forked one. Copy the repo URL by clicking on Clone or Download button, then copy the visible link
Step 3: After copying the url, goto to terminal in your local machine, and do follow these commands,

git clone PASTE-YOUR-URL-HERE - Hit enter, to start cloning the repo in your local machine
cd Doctryst-Frontend - Change your directory
npm install - To install the Node Packages in your cloned project, that let's you to run the project
ng serve -o - It will run the app in localhost:4200, to terminate the run, then click Ctrl+C

Step 4: Now create a branch and start coding..!
git checkout -b YOUR-BRANCH-NAME - Best practice to name the branch name is YOUR-NAME/YOUR-TASK


Step 5: After your coding task completes, you should give a PullRequest (PR)..!
git add . - Add all your changes, using this command
git commit -m "YOUR-COMMIT-MESSAGE" - Commit your added changes.
git push origin YOUR-BRANCH-NAME - Push your code by this command.

After code review, your PR will be accepted and then merged to master.