
For placement preparation.

Primary LanguageJava


Day 01

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
001 Arrays Set Matrix Zero Solution
002 Arrays Pascal's Triangle Solution
003 Arrays Next Permutation Solution
004 Arrays Maximum SubArray Sum Solution

Day 02

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
005 Arrays Sort 0 1 2 Solution
006 Arrays Best time to buy and sell Stocks Solution
007 Arrays Rotate Matrix Solution
008 Arrays Merge Intervals Solution

Day 03

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
009 Arrays Merge Two Sorted Array Solution
010 Arrays Duplicate number in Array Solution
011 Arrays Missing and Repeating Number Solution
012 Arrays Count Inversions Solution

Day 04

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
013 Arrays Search in a 2D Matrix Solution
014 Arrays Modular Exponentiation Solution
015 Arrays Majority Element Solution
016 Arrays Majority Element 2 Solution

Day 05

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
017 Arrays Unique Paths Solution
018 Arrays Reverse Pairs Solution
019 Arrays Pair Sum Solution

Day 06

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
020 Arrays 4 Sum Solution
021 Arrays Longest Consecutive Sequence Solution
022 Arrays Longest Subarray Zero Sum Solution

Day 07

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
023 Arrays Count Subarrays With Given Xor Solution
024 Arrays Longest Substr Without Repeating Char Solution
025 Linked List Reverse LinkedList Solution
026 Linked List Middle Of LinkedList Solution

Day 08

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
027 Linked List Merge Two Sorted LinkedList Solution
028 Linked List Delete Kth Node From End Solution
029 Linked List Add Two Numbers As LinkedLists Solution
030 Linked List Delete Node Of A Linkedlist Solution

Day 09

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
031 Linked List Intersection Of Two LinkedList Solution
032 Linked List Cycle Detection In Singly LinkedList Solution
033 Linked List Reverse Nodes In K Groups Solution

Day 10

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
034 Linked List Palindrome LinkedList Solution
035 Linked List LinkedList Cycle 2 Solution
036 Linked List Flatten A LinkedList Solution
037 Linked List Rotate LinkedList Solution
038 Linked List Clone LinkedList With Random Pointer Solution

Day 11

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
039 2 Pointer 3 Sum Solution
040 2 Pointer Trapping Rain Water Solution
041 2 Pointer Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array Solution
042 2 Pointer Maximum Consecutive Ones Solution
043 Greedy Algorithms Maximum Meetings In A Room Solution
044 Greedy Algorithms Minimum Number Of Platforms Solution

Day 12

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
045 Greedy Algorithms Job Sequencing Problem Solution
046 Greedy Algorithms Fractional Knapsack Solution
047 Greedy Algorithms Minimum Number of Coins Solution
048 Greedy Algorithms Maximum Activities Solution
049 Recursion & BackTracking Subset Sum Solution
050 Recursion & BackTracking Subset II Solution
051 Recursion & BackTracking Subset Sum Equal To K Solution

Day 13

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
052 Recursion & BackTracking Combination Sum II Solution
053 Recursion & BackTracking Palindromic Substring Solution
054 Recursion & BackTracking Kth Permutation Sequence Solution
055 Recursion & BackTracking Print Permutations String Solution
056 Recursion & BackTracking N Queens Solution

Day 14

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
057 Recursion & BackTracking Sudoku Solver Solution
058 Recursion & BackTracking M Coloring Problem Solution
059 Recursion & BackTracking Rat In a Maze All Paths Solution
060 Recursion & BackTracking Word Break 2 Solution
061 Binary Search Nth Root of M Solution

Day 15

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
062 Binary Search Matrix Median Solution
063 Binary Search Single Element In A Sorted Array Solution
064 Binary Search Search in a Rotated Sorted Array Solution
065 Binary Search Median of Two Sorted Array Solution
066 Binary Search Kth Element Of Two Sorted Array Solution
067 Binary Search Book Allocation Problem Solution
068 Binary Search Aggressive Cows Solution

Day 16

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
069 Heaps Min Heap Solution
070 Heaps Kth Smallest And Largest Element Solution
071 Heaps K Max Sum Combinations Solution
072 Heaps Medians of a Running Stream Solution
073 Heaps Merge K Sorted Arrays Solution
074 Heaps K Most Frequent Elements Solution

Day 17

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
075 Trie Implement Trie Solution
076 Trie Implement Trie II Solution

Day 18

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
077 Trie Complete String Solution
078 Trie Number of Distinct Substring Solution
079 Recursion Power Set Solution

Day 19

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
080 Trie Maximum Xor inside a Array Solution

Day 20

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
081 Trie Maximum Xor with an Element Solution

Day 21

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
082 Stack Stack Implementation Using Array Solution

Day 22

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
083 Queue Queue Implementation Using Array Solution
084 Stack and Queue Stack using Queue Solution
085 Stack and Queue Queue using Stack Solution
086 Stack Valid Parentheses Solution
087 Stack Next Greater Element Solution
088 Stack Sort a stack Solution
089 Stack Next Smaller Element Solution

Day 23

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
090 Stack & Doubly Linked List LRU Cache Solution
091 HashMap LFU Cache Solution

Day 24

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
092 Stack Largest Rectangle in a Histogram Solution
093 Deque Sliding Window Maximum Solution
094 Stack Min Stack Solution
095 Queue & BFS Rotting Oranges Solution
096 Stack Stock Span Solution

Day 25

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
097 Stack Maximum of Minimum of every window size Solution
098 Stack The Celebrity Problem Solution
099 String Reverse Words in A String Solution
100 String Longest Palindromic Substring Solution
101 String Roman Number to Integer Solution

Day 26

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
102 String Implement Atoi Function Solution
103 String Longest Common Prefix Solution
104 String Rabin Karp Algorithm Solution
105 String Z Algorithm Solution
106 String KMP Algorithm Solution
107 String Minimum characters for palindrome Solution
108 String Check Anagram Solution
109 String Count and Say Solution
110 String Compare Version Number Solution

Day 27

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
111 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Solution
112 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal Solution
113 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal Solution
114 Binary Tree Left View of Binary Tree Solution
115 Binary Tree Bottom View of Binary Tree Solution
116 Binary Tree Top View of Binary Tree Solution
117 Binary Tree All Tree Traversal in One Go Solution

Day 28

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
118 Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal Solution
119 Binary Tree Path in a Tree Solution
120 Binary Tree Maximum Width of a Binary Tree Solution
121 Binary Tree Level order Traversal Solution
122 Binary Tree Ht. using Lvlorder and Inorder Solution
123 Binary Tree Diameter of Binary Tree Solution
124 Binary Tree Is Height Balanced BT Solution
125 Binary Tree LCA of Binary Tree Solution
126 Binary Tree Identical Tree Solution
127 Binary Tree ZigZag Order Traversal Solution

Day 29

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
128 Binary Tree Boundary Traversal Solution
129 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum b/w Two Leaves Solution
130 Binary Tree Binary Tree from Inorder and Preorder Traversal Solution
131 Binary Tree Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal Solution
132 Binary Tree Symmetric Tree Solution
133 Binary Tree Invert a Binary Tree Solution
134 Binary Tree Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Solution

Day 30

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
135 Binary Tree Children Sum Property Solution
136 Binary Tree Connect Nodes at same level Solution
137 Binary Search Tree Search in a Binary Search Tree Solution
138 Binary Search Tree Convert Sorted Array to BST Solution
139 Binary Search Tree BST from Preorder Traversal Solution
140 Binary Search Tree Validate BST Solution
141 Binary Search Tree LCA in a BST Solution
142 Binary Search Tree Inorder Predecessor and Successor Solution
143 Binary Search Tree Floor of a BST Solution
144 Binary Search Tree Ceil of a BST Solution
145 Binary Search Tree Kth Largest Number in BST Solution
146 Binary Search Tree Kth Smallest Number in BST Solution

Day 31

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
147 Binary Search Tree Pair Sum BST Solution
148 Binary Search Tree BST Iterator Solution
149 Binary Search Tree Largest Bst Subtree Solution
150 Binary Search Tree Serialise Deserialise a Binary Tree Solution
151 Binary Tree Flatten a binary tree into Doubly Linked List Solution
152 Heap/Self Balancing BST Median in a Stream Solution
153 Heap/Self Balancing BST Kth Largest Element in a Stream Solution

Day 32

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
154 HashMap Distinct element in every size k Solution
155 Heap Kth largest Element in the unsorted array Solution
156 DFS Flood Fill Algorithm Solution
157 Graph Clone a graph Solution

Day 33

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
158 Graph DFS Traversal Solution
159 Graph BFS Traversal Solution

Day 34

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
160 Graph Cycle Detection in Undirected Graph Solution
161 Graph Cycle Detection inDirected Graph Solution
162 Graph Topological Sort Solution

Day 35

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
163 DFS Number of Islands Solution
164 Graph Bipartite Graph Solution

Day 36

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
165 Graph Strongly Connected Components Solution
166 Graph Dijkstra's Shortest Path Solution
167 Graph Bellman Ford Algorithm Solution
168 Graph Flloyd Warshall Algorithm Solution
169 Graph Prim's Algorithm Solution

Day 37

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
170 Graph Kruskal's Algorithm Solution
171 Dynamic Programming Maximum Product Subarray Solution
172 DP / Binary Search Longest Increasing Subsequence Solution
173 Dynamic Programming Longest Common Subsequence Solution
174 Dynamic Programming 0 1 Knapsack Solution
175 Dynamic Programming Edit Distance Solution
176 Dynamic Programming Maximum sum increasing subsequence Solution

Day 38

Sr. No. Topics Problems Solutions
177 Dynamic Programming Matrix Chain Multiplication Solution
178 Dynamic Programming Minimum Path Sum Solution
179 Dynamic Programming Number of Ways to make coin Change Solution
180 Dynamic Programming Subset Sum Equals To K Solution
181 Dynamic Programming Rod Cutting Problem Solution
182 Dynamic Programming Egg Dropping Problem Solution
183 Dynamic Programming Word Break Solution
184 Dynamic Programming Palindrome Partitioning Solution