Introduction to Account Abstraction

This README provides an overview and a basic Node.js code snippet for building gasless transactions using Account Abstraction and the ZeroDev SDK. This repo is used as part of a workshop for Introduction to Account Abstraction at Web3Afrika.

Slides below:

Getting Started

Before you can use the ZeroDev SDK, you need to obtain a project ID from their dashboard. Visit ZeroDev Dashboard to get your project ID.

The script requires that we set a project ID and a private key. We can generate a random private key with this command:

node -e "console.log('0x' + require('crypto').randomBytes(32).toString('hex'))"

Make sure not to commit your project ID and Bundler/Paymaster urls to git.

Gasless Batched Transactions with ZeroDev SDK

The Node.js snippet in app.js demonstrates how to create gasless batched transactions using Account Abstraction and the ZeroDev SDK.

Important note

To run this code as is, you need to have your smart account address allowlisted.

You can see the Kids Allowance Smart Contract below and redeploy your own:

You can mint your own basic tokens for ease of use here: