Predictive model on Rain Dataset to predict whether or not it will rain tomorrow in Australia
The dataset is taken from Kaggle and contains about 10 years of daily weather observations from many locations across Australia.
.(site root)
├── Data
| ├── weatherAUS.csv
└── Notebooks
| ├── Rain in Australia Note book.ipynb
└── Pickle_Files
| ├── scaler.pkl
| ├── logreg.pkl
└── static
| ├── css
| | └── font-awesome
| | └── index.css
| | └── social-media.css
| └── fonts
| └── images
└── templates
| ├── index.html
| ├── rainyday.html
| ├── sunnyday.html
└── .gitignore
└── Procfile
└── requirements.txt
To know more about how to approach the problem statement, do vist my article, which is published in Analytics Vidya.