
A web-app to manage docker images and container

Primary LanguagePython


docker-app is a web-app built in flask to list containers/images and allow operations like add-image, run-container, stop-container.


  • List all containers
  • List all available images
  • Information page for each container
  • Information page for each image
  • Stop a running container
  • Delete an existing image
  • Add a new image
  • start a new container [It asks for the command to run and ports to expose]
  • To look at logs of a running container

Technology used

  • Python
  • Flask
  • AWS Cloud
  • Terraform
  • Docker

Local Setup/Installation

  • Terraform installed on your workstation with proper aws IAM credentials/access
  • To run the app on workstation
    • Install docker on your workstation
    • Run after building the docker image manually:
      • Pull this repository (To build the image or for changing the source)
      • Build the docker image by running from project root directory: docker build -t ajeetkhan/docker-app:latest .
      • Run the image: docker run -d -p 5000:5000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ajeetkhan/docker-app:latest
    • Run directly by pulling it from docker hub:
      • Pull the image: docker pull ajeetkhan/docker-app:latest
      • Run the image: docker run -d -p 5000:5000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ajeetkhan/docker-app:latest
    • Access the app on localhost:5000

Deploy On AWS EC2 Instance

  • Make sure you have terraform installed on your workstation
  • Pull terraform script from here
  • Change VPC CIDR, REGION and other variables in variables.tf file
  • Run terraform plan to check what all resources will be created
  • Run terraform apply to actually create the resources
  • On successfull creation of EC2 instance, hit public IP of the instance in browser to access the app
  • If app isn't running on the public IP, check the logs of userdata in instance at /var/log/userdata.log
  • Add a DNS entry of your domain poiniting to the public IP of instance


  • The docker host/daemon, docker-app is connecting to, is running on the same host.

Future Enhancement

  • Allow docker-app to connect to remote docker daemon/host
  • Add feature for streaming of container logs
  • Show status of image getting pulled


  • TBD


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

