
7minWorkOut is an Android application designed to help users achieve their fitness goals by providing them with a simple yet effective workout routine. The app features three primary functions: BMI calculator, workout history, and a customizable workout session.

Primary LanguageKotlin


7minWorkOut is an Android application designed to help users achieve their fitness goals by providing them with a simple yet effective workout routine. The app features three primary functions: BMI calculator, workout history, and a customizable workout session.

Main page

in this activity the user have the choices , he can see his history of calculate his BMI or to see his exercise history. Screenshot_20230521_001615

BMI activity

for the BMI the user can calculate his BMI with the Metric units or the US units Screenshot_20230521_001634 the user can have his BMI value + comment discribing his physical situation and giving him advice Screenshot_20230521_001658 Screenshot_20230521_001713 Screenshot_20230521_001726

History Activity

in this activity the user can see his exercises history that was saved inside a room data base Screenshot_20230521_002058

Exercise Types activity

in this activity the user can choose the exercise type Screenshot_20230521_002108

Exercice Activity

when the user click on the exercise type , he will have a 12 exercises of 30sec and he will have a break of 10sec between every exercise Screenshot_20230521_002119 Screenshot_20230521_002124 if the user click on the back button he will have this dialog Screenshot_20230521_002139

Finish Activity

when the user finish his 12 exercises he will arrive to the finish activity and the workout will be saved inside the history activity Screenshot_20230521_002041