Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Version 1.0

This is the API of the webapp 'Punts d'interès de ciutat' (City's Points of Interest) initially developed by Metodian for Ajuntament de Barcelona (Barcelona City Council). It is built on top of Lumen framework.

The frontend code of the webapp can be found in the PICS-WEBAPP repository.

Quick setup

  1. Composer is a prerequisite. Once installed, run composer install from the command-line.
  2. Create two MySQL databases. The main database backs the service, while the alternate one is used only by the database seeder to retrieve the original data and perform some checks.
  3. Use .env.example as a boilerplate to create your .env file.
  • ORIGIN_API_BASE, MAIN_LOCALE and ALTERNATE_LOCALES and all variables whose name start with DB_ are required variables. DB_ALT_ variables correspond to the alternate database, and DB_ variables are for the main one.
  • ORIGIN_API_BASE: The URL (including protocol) of your origin API. In production, this is the URL of Guia API, by Barcelona City Council, a web service that returns the original raw data. This Lumen based app retrieves the data, transforms and sanitizes the data to make it suitable for the web app and stores the new data in a MySQL database.
  • URL_FOR_END_USERS: The URL (including protocol) of your API.
  • MAIN_LOCALE: the locale to discover and grab all points of interest.
  • ALTERNATE_LOCALES: a comma-separated list of available locales. Data for all points of interest discovered in the request using MAIN_LOCALE will be also grabbed for each of these locales and stored in the database.
  • IMAGE_PATH_TEMP and IMAGE_COMPRESSION: settings related to how original images are handled to create versions suitable to display in the web app. IMAGE_COMPRESSION should be a value from 1 to 99. More compression means less quality. IMAGE_PATH_TEMP is the full path of the temporary file created while the image is being handled.
  1. Populate the database. Run php artisan db:seed from the command-line to do so. There is no need to run php artisan migrate first (there is no harm in doing that either). allow_url_fopen setting must be set to On in your php.ini config file to allow this database seeder to work as intended. In some systems an increase of the allowed memory and process time settings will be necessary.

Available endpoints

These are the available endpoints (paths are relative to URL_FOR_END_USERS):

  • /v1/pois: lists all points of interest (PoIs). Set the desired language of title and excerpt fields of the response by sending an Accept-Language header with only one ISO 639-1 locale code. Available parameters:
    • count: number of elements of each page, defaults to 9.
    • page: page number, defaults to 1.
    • lon: device's longitude, optional.
    • lat: device's latitude, optional.
    • district: district's identifier, optional.
    • category: category's identifier, optional.
  • /v1/pois/{$id}: returns info on an specific PoI. Set the desired language of title and excerpt fields of the response by sending an Accept-Language header with only one ISO 639-1 locale code, or a comma-separated list of locale codes. Available parameters:
    • lon: device's longitude, optional.
    • lat: device's latitude, optional.
  • /v1/pois/search/: returns a list of PoIs that match the query. Set the desired language of the response by sending an Accept-Language header with only one ISO 639-1 locale code. Available parameters:
    • q: the search query.
  • /v1/categories/: returns a list of categories that have at least one associated PoI. Set the desired language of the response by sending an Accept-Language header with only one ISO 639-1 locale code. Available parameters:
    • district: district's identifier, optional.