
basic markdown documentation for reapp

Primary LanguageRuby

Reapp Documentation

In order to improve the existing documentation, every component is provided with:

  • a description(which is mainly limited to description of old documentation),
  • a code example(taken from some examples in kitchen-sink but majority are own examples),
  • separate specification of the propTypes and
  • styles applicable.

The propTypes have been collected by combing through the source code and wherever there was a lack of certain props not being mentioned under propTypes, these have been added accordingly.

In order to run the example code, it suffices to create a new reapp-app and under Home, the exmplified component is to be added to the render method.


For the Alert component, following code example is provided:

  <Alert styles={{self: {background: 'red'} }}>
    this is an alert

which is to be added as:

  import { Reapp, React, Alert } from 'reapp-kit';

  class Home extends React.Component {
    render() {
      return (
        <Alert styles={{self: {background: 'red'} }}>
          this is an alert

  export default Reapp(Home);

For other components, more detail is provided such as for Modal which can be used as follows:

  import { Reapp, React, Modal, Button } from 'reapp-kit';

  class Home extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
      this.state = { modal: false };

    toggleModal(type) {
      this.setState({ modal: type });

    render() {
      return (
          { this.state.modal &&
            <Modal styles={{inner: {background: 'blue'},
                            text: {background: 'yellow'},
                            title: {background: 'red'},
                            buttons: {background: 'green'}}}
              children={["Something", "Another"]}
              onClose={this.toggleModal.bind(this, false)}

          <Button onTap={this.toggleModal.bind(this, 'confirm')}>Confirm</Button>

  export default Reapp(Home);


Some of the code examples are not in operational order:

  • components/chatitem/code.md:TODO: propTypes name and date appear not to be working.
  • components/drawer/code.md:TODO: Not functional as yet
  • components/input/code.md:TODO: styles are currently not having any effect.
  • components/textarea/code.md:TODO: demonstrate how to change styling of label
  • components/typeahead/code.md:TODO: Code dependency not working
  • components/list/code.md:Todo: demonstrate usage of type-inset styling.
  • components/listitem/code.md:Todo: demonstrate usage of type-inset styling.

Some of the components have no code example:

  • components/layoutleftnav/code.md

Some of the props are unclear as to of what type they should be.

  • components/bar/props.md:TODO: add children: React.PropTypes.node in source code
  • components/cardlist/props.md:TODO: Lack of propTypes because CardList is still a work in progress.
  • components/drawer/props.md:TODO: determine what are animatedProps and scroller
  • components/gallery/props.md:TODO: Determine closeIconProps
  • components/input/props.md:TODO: Determine labelProps
  • components/layoutleftnav/props.md:TODO: determine what side is
  • components/view/props.md:TODO: Determine: width, height, viewList, titleBarHeight, onScrollStart, onScrollEnd