
Droppex Rawa Assignment Design Requirement


Created using Canva.

1. First Head

The layout depicted above can be dissected into two primary sections:

  1. Sidebar Block: This section encompasses essential components facilitating navigation and information display.

    • Logo: Represents the visual identity of the application.
    • Sidebar Items: Navigation elements aiding users in accessing various sections of the application.
    • Storage Usage UI: Provides insightful data on the utilization of storage resources.
  2. Main Page Block: This segment constitutes crucial elements for user interaction and data presentation.

    • Header: The topmost section serving as a navigational anchor and providing contextual information.
    • File/Folders Table List: A structured representation facilitating the management and organization of files and folders.

To gain a clearer understanding of the layout's structure and organizational hierarchy, please refer to the image provided below.

2. Assignment Requirements 📝

Achieving the Requirements ✅

  • CSS and HTML Design: Implemented using semantic HTML5 tags and CSS for styling.
  • Arabic and English Language Support: Utilized language attributes and proper Unicode encoding to ensure compatibility with both languages.
  • Responsive Design: Employed media queries and flexible layouts to ensure optimal viewing experience across devices.

3. Issues and Challenges 🛠️

Challenges Faced 🤔

  • RTL (Right-to-Left) Language Support: Challenges in implementing proper alignment and layout for Arabic text.
  • Deployment to GitHub Pages: Faced a challenge where SVG files deployed to GitHub Pages were interpreted with MIME type text/html instead of svg+xml.

4. Solutions Implemented 💡

  • RTL Language Support: Implemented CSS techniques such as direction: rtl; and text-align: right; to ensure proper alignment and readability for Arabic text, and this css trick to simulate click actions
  • #english:checked ~ * .content-wrapper [lang="en"],
    #arabic:checked ~ * .content-wrapper [lang="ar"]
  • After encountering challenges with GitHub Pages, the decision was made to migrate the project to Vercel, which provided a smoother deployment experience and resolved the SVG MIME type issue.

5. Touches to Enhance Design 🎨

  • Auto show/hide Sidbar: Implemented hover effects and transitions to improve user experience.