Kuama Backend Developer Test

Given the following api specs

Create a restful API that will show

  • all drinks categories
  • all drinks of type shot
  • all drinks that give a results for the keyword spritz.

For each drink, we want to know the following information:

  • name
  • glass
  • instructions
  • ingredients
  • thumbnail

The keys of the json objects returned by your API should all be in camel case format

Create the API using any language and framework you prefer.

If short on time, at least write down a list of todos with what you think is missing.

Bonus points

This is not a list to be followed top-bottom, just some enhancements you can do to show off 🙌 🚀

  • Add a suite of tests
  • Store results inside a persistence layer
  • Setup a github action while making your PR to this repository

How to deliver

If you know how: clone this repository, create a separate branch and make a PR

Otherwise: send us a zip with your project

What will be rated?

  • Code readability
  • How you structure your project
  • WTFs/minute

Remember: it is not a problem if you don't complete your test, as long as you keep our WTFs/minutes at a minimum rate.

And remember:


Have fun!

With ♥️ from Kuama folks