
Shell project 0x003-shell_variables_expansion

Primary LanguageShell

This project has us exploring the shell and writing code to be performed through the command line.

Task 0 is a script that prints the absolute path name of the current working directory.

Task 1 displays the contents list of the current directoy.

Task 2 changes the working directory to the user's home directory.

Task 3 displays the current directory's contents in long format.

Task 4 displays the current directoy's contents in long format and includes hidden files.

Task 5 displays the current directoy's contents with the following attributes:

  • Long format
  • With user and group IDs displayed numerically
  • Hidden files included

Task 6 creates a directory named "holberton" in the /tmp/ directory.

Task 7 moves the file "betty" from /tmp/ to /tmp/holberton.

Task 8 deletes the file "betty."

Task 9 deletes the directoy "holberton" that is in the /tmp directory.

Task 10 changes the working directory to the previous one.

Task 11 lists all files (even hidden ones) in the current directory and the parent directory of the working directory and the /boot directory (in this order), in long format.

Task 12 prints the type of the file named "iamafile."

Task 13 creates a symbolic link to /bin/ls, named "ls."

Task 14 copies all HTML files from the current working directory to the parent of the working directory.

Task 15 moves all files beginning with an uppercase letter to the directoy /tmp/u.

Task 16 deletes all files in the current working directory that end with the character ~.

Task 17 creates the directories welcome/, welcome/to/ and welcome/to/holberton in the current directory.

Task 18 lists all the files and directories of the current directoy separated by commas.