Learn programming with Python from no experience, up to using the AWS Boto module for some tasks.
Possible "course" layout
- Install Python.
- Just print something, and functions.
- Variables, user input, casting str/int, if / while, modules (barely).
- Lists.
- Pass by "value"/"ref" (really mutable/immutable types).
- Custom types. Class vs. object. Web scraper example?
- Boto. Secret keys and S3 upload/download. Also AWS account setup.
- RPG combat (inheritance and overriding behaviors).
- MUD?
Advanced / second class materials
- Software engineering (as opposed to sysadmin)? Design principles, data structures, etc.
More resources
- Pass by assignment:
- Deep/shallow copy:
guessing-game: Mention how to type check types from within the script (type()).
hangman: Have the user's guesses print out in alphabetical order.
rpg/classes: Use classes to handle parsing a csv of the encounter?
rpg/classes: Think more about boto; what's their justification for classes?
rpg/classes: Make each RPG "class" a literal class? Valid use of classes?
Ease the jump from "hello" to "ping, tracert", etc.
In first post, link to PEP-8 information.
Move guessing game post CSS to somewhere centralized.
Can Jekyll templating make the spoiler sections easier to write?
Fix page-footer's empty "maintained by".