What's that

Simple demo of terraforming the heightmap by group of Diggers, coordinated by Brigadier. Original idea taken from game, the RTS Perimeter (2004).

Diggers order of action:

  • grab some "soil" (height points) from planned above-zerolayer tiles up to capacity, if no such tiles - take soil from nearest unplanned tiles;
  • put soil into planned below-zerolayer tiles, if no such - put into any nearest tiles, up to height limit.

Brigadier order of action:

  • just follow user's guidance and give orders to siblings (Diggers) of where they can found desired tile to terraform.


  • WASD - move camera;
  • QE - camera raise up/down;
  • LMB - plan terraform;
  • RMB - set target for Brigadier to move;
  • +/- - increase/decrease planing tool radius;
  • F1 - show/hide zerolayer highlighing;
  • TAB - switch planing/texture mode;
  • Space - pause/resume demo.

Known issues

  • Light shader - doesn't updates, when map mesh changes.
  • Tile counting - inconsistency of to-terraform-count and actually planed tiles. Or inconsistency with already-terraformed tiles, dunno.
  • Possible app crushed cause of digging where is no soil to dig, but thats should have been fixed.