Inspired by the theme of the night sky, we set out to create a mobile application that can execute real-time constellation detection. Since most people have a difficult time recognizing constellations, they can simply point their camera towards the sky to find a specific star or pattern.
Using AR, ML and geolocation APIs, this app encourages everyone to take a break from their hectic daily lives and go enjoy the outdoors.
SpaceSafari has 2 main features
Constellation Detection: With the help of machine learning and augmented reality, the user’s mobile phone camera helps to perform real object detection on the go. Users can watch stars and constellations by entering their names into search box, 3d models are displayed that are related to the query. The user can also enter their birthday to find their corresponding horoscope and rising sign.
Fun Fact: Our app also produces a fun fact about prominent female figures in the field of astronomy! Users can find out more by clicking a variety of links and accessing many resources at the bottom of the page.