
stepwise Learning Pytorch

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


It covers Assignments done in Deep Learning Course in Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi (IIITD) and Udacity NanoDegree Intro to Deep Learning uisng Pytorch.

Table Of Contents of Deep Learning Assignments

01. PTA for AND,OR,NOT and XOR and Madeline Implementation from scratch Implementing PTA and Madeline
02. From scratch implementation of Back Propagation with optimizers Momentum, NAG, AdaGrad, RMSProp, Adam and initializations He, Xavier and Regularization using L1, L2 and Dropout. No Deep Learning library used. Backpropagation Optimizers Regularization from scratch
03. CNN Implementation Convolutional Neural Networks
04. Implemented Papers Show, Attend and Tell: Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual Attention and Interactive Attention Networks for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification Attention models

Table Of Contents of Udacity Nanodegree course

01. Implementing Gradient Descent over a set of random data 1_GradientDescent
02. Simple Neural Network and common functions like tensor.view() tensor.reshape() tensor.shape tensor.rand 2_Simple Neural Network and Random Functions
03. Creating Multi-Layer Neural Network and converting numpy array to tensors 3_Multi Layer Neural Networks & numpy to torch
04. Digit Classification dataset using softmax and matrix multiplication(NO TRAINING) 4_Digit Classification with Softmax (NO TRAINING)
05. pytorch nn module for complex neural networks , using torch.nn.functional 5_Building networks with Pytorch - nn Module
06. other Activations , Neural Network using Relu and nn.Sequential , Changing weights and biases , using OrderedDict to name individual layers 6_Relu Activation neural network and nn.Sequential
07. Training network over Digit Classification - loss calculation-criterion , Autograd , update weights using Pytorch -optim 7_Training Neural Network
08. Training neural network to classify Fashion-MNIST 8_Classifying Fashion-MNIST
09. Test over Test data , overfitting, regularization using Dropout and Accuracy Calculation 9_Fashion MNIST - INFERENCE AND VALIDATION
10. Saving models using state_dict and training later on _10_Saving and Loading Models
11. Making filters and visualising CNN convulution-Neural-Network
13. STYLE TRANSFER Style_Transfer