
A simple chatty bot using react-native and Dialogflow

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


react-native project to chat with people any time.

This bot- Andreea aims to chat with users for the sake of conversation and engagement.




  • Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/AkankshaShrimal/React-Native-ChatBot.git.

Running React Native application:

-Install the Expo client app on your iOS or Android phone.

-Connect to the same wireless network as your PC and run successfully.

Creating ChatAgent with Dialogflow:

-Create an account and a new ChatAgent

-Create intents and corresponding responses

-Add Small Talk using link.

-use chatAgent API Reference to get responses

Building Project

  • Ejecting App - To build and deploy app, you'll need to eject from CRNA and use Xcode and Android Studio.

    To Eject follow the below instructions:

        $ npm run eject

-refer link

-Generate Signed APK

-Setting up gredle-variables

-Adding signing config to app's gradle config

-Generating the release APK and Testing the release build of app

Follow these instructions:

 $ cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease
  $ react-native run-android --variant=release

Vote of Thanks

  • Thanks to Farid Safi for developing chat template.

  • Thanks to Google-Dialogflow for developing dialogflow platform and smallTalk feature.