
Forge server software with the Bukkit API from the 'new dimension'

Primary LanguageJava

Akarin FaceAkarinForge

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AkarinForge is currently under heavy development and contributions are welcome!


AkarinForge is a next-generation Forge server software with the Bukkit API from the 'new dimension'.

As a fork of MinecraftForge, it should provide high compatibility with mods. In other words, support plugins but not break mods are the main goal of the project.

Get Akarin



  • Java (JDK) 8 or above
  • Gradle


./scripts/inst.sh --setup


  • Run with --setup argument will regenerate codes in the submodule.
  • Please ensure that your machine has sufficient memory before compiling the project.

Demo Servers

  • demo-forge.akarin.io (official)

Open an Issue or a Pull Request if you want to add your website here


  • You can check out the src folder to see more. Please follow the patch style to do any change, so we are able to update between different Minecraft versions.
  • If you want to join the Akarin-project team, you can send us an email with your experience and necessary information.

Akarin project