Project compiles with the help of Brunch. Brunch requires Node.js
Build dependencies are managed with brunch via npm (comes with Node.js) -> see package.json
Project dependencies are managed with Bower -> see bower.json

Current configuration takes all javaScript & coffeeScript files in /app, and output them in /public/javascripts/app.js. It takes too all javaScript & coffeeScript files in /vendor and /bower_components and outputs them in /public/javascripts/vendor.js. Current conf ouputs too associated .map files (production mode does not).
All css and stylus files are compiled/copied in /public/stylesheets/app.css (with its associated .map file, expect in prod mode). All files from /app/assets are copied in /public (as fonts and images).

Please see config.coffee for details

Build process :

// Go to project
$user: cd project_path
// Get build dependencies
$user: npm install
// Get project dependencies
$user: bower install
// Build project
$user: brunch b
// Start a server on port 3333 (default port) that watches for live changes
$user: brunch w -s

// Project is now accessible from http://localhost:3333

Technical choices :

  • jQuery is mandatory
  • Parallax effect is made with StellarJS
  • Waypoints method calls made with jQuery Waypoints
  • Slide movement are made with jQuery Transit or $.animate() if css transitions are not supported
  • Diaporama needs image resizing, i tried several methods (pure css resizing, jQuery resizing). In a performance purpose, I chose background images (with background-size : cover ). In production, the real solution would be to use img tags with object-fit CSS3 property, and using a jQuery fallback for cross-browsers compatibility.
  • Added 60fps scroll trick