
Project fully dedicated to Utsu-P / 鬱P Works .

Primary LanguageJava


Project fully dedicated to Utsu-P / 鬱P Works .


  1. Thaks Utsu-P.
  2. Structure
  3. How to use
  4. Features
  5. Tecnologies used
  6. Why?

Thanks Utsu-P

Not much is know about this guy. From Fandom wiki:

Utsu-P (鬱P, lit. Depression-P) (born December 01, 1990), is a recognized producer known for his metal VOCALOID songs.

Although at the beginning his songs exclusively featured Miku, he now also uses Rin, GUMI, and flower as well.

He is well known for managing VOCALOIDs to perform shouts, screams and grunts through the use of filters and effects, and his melody generally has a heavy bass line.

Aside from that, his lyrics often are somewhat complex and their hidden meaning is difficult to grasp at first glance.

He is also a member and founder of the band Ohayougozaimasu (おはようございます, Good Morning), and producer of the idol group Zsasz.


The project structure is repeating that of Wikipedia, in terms of:

  1. Many simple pages refering one to another.
  2. Every registered user can manage content of these pages or add new.
  3. Some pages are accessible only by certain role.
  4. Another annoying stuff written with obvious grammatical errors.


1. JWT tokens Security
2. Wide configurations
3. Scalability

How to use

Application is pretty easy to use and needs very little configuration.


Java enviroment must be configured to run Java applications. The version of Java used is 11(jdks/corretto-11.0.15)

2.MySQL database

In order to run the application MySQL database must be running and application.properties must be configured accordingly.
Default are:
spring.datasource.url = ${SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL:jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/utsu_p_wiki}
spring.datasource.username = ${SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME:root}
spring.datasource.password = ${SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD:}
spring.datasource.driver-class-name = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

The only query that has to be manually executed is:

CREATE DATABASE utsu_p_wiki;

To populate database with data consider using database-helper configuration in application.properties.
Easy and fast way:
database-helper.populate-database = true
database-helper.populate-all = true

To make it work:

1. Enable these settings.
2. Run the application, data.sql file must be created.
3. Disable these settings and run again the application.
4. Check if data appeared in database, if it is so, manually delete data.sql file. (by default it will be at "\Utsu-P\src\main\resources\data.sql".


Default port for embeded Tomcat server is 8080:

server.port = 8080

Make sure that port is not in use or change it in application.properties .

Tecnologies used:

  1. Java.(11)
  2. Spring Boot.(2.6.6)
    2.1. Spring Web.
    2.2. Spring Test. (Junit)
    2.3. Spring Data JPA.
    2.4. Spring Security.(JWT)
  3. Mysql.
  4. Hibernate.
  5. Lombok.
  6. Thymeleaf.
  7. Maven.
    8.1. JQuery.


Because Utsu-P is just too good at creating vocaloid music, so I will, in some way, try to help him get the attention he deserves.