
A curve line editor widget for tkinter

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A curve editor widget for tkinter, can be used in complex programs for better controls.



GitHub repo size

Download the source code, paste the tkcurve folder in the directory where your program is present.


import tkinter as tk
from tkcurve import CurveWidget

root = tk.Tk()

values = [(300,0), (150,150), (0,300)]
curve_widget = CurveWidget(root, values, line_color="purple",
                           point_color="white", outline="black")
curve_widget.pack(side="left", padx=10, pady=10)

values2 = [(300,0), (150,150), (0,300)]
curve_widget2 = CurveWidget(root, values2)
curve_widget2.pack(side="left", padx=10, pady=10)

values3 = [(300,0), (200,200), (75, 75), (0,300)]
curve_widget3 = CurveWidget(root, values3, line_color="green")
curve_widget3.pack(side="left", padx=10, pady=10)



Parameters Details
master parent widget
width width of the canvas
height height of the canvas
points the values of the points, example: [(x,y), (x,y)]
point_color color of the points
point_size radius of the points
line_color color of the curve line
line_width width of the line
bg background color
smooth enable/disable bezier curve
grid_color color of the grid lines


  • .add_point((x,y)): add a new point in the canvas
  • .delete_point((x,y)): delete a point from canvas
  • .fix((x,y)): fix a point in the canvas
  • .config: change any of the parameters
  • .cget: get any parameter
  • .get(): get the current points

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