
Tkinter Dial-Knob widgets

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


This is a library containing some circular rotatory dial-knob widgets for Tkinter. It can be used in place of normal sliders and scale.

PyPI Platform Downloads


pip install tkdial

Dial Widget


Simple Example:

import tkinter as tk
from tkdial import Dial

app = tk.Tk()

dial = Dial(app)
dial.grid(padx=10, pady=10)



Example 2

import tkinter as tk
from tkdial import Dial

app = tk.Tk()

# some color combinations
color_combinations = [("yellow", "red"), ("white", "cyan"), ("red", "pink"), ("black", "green"),
                    ("white", "black"), ("blue", "blue"), ("green", "green"), ("white", "pink"),
                    ("red", "black"), ("green", "cyan"), ("cyan","black"), ("pink", "blue")]

for i in range (12):
    dial = Dial(master=app, color_gradient=color_combinations[i],
                unit_length=10, radius=40, needle_color=color_combinations[i][1])
    if i<6:
        dial.grid(row=1, padx=10, pady=10, column=i)
        dial.grid(row=2, padx=10, pady=10, column=11-i)



Example 3

Implemented with CustomTkinter

import customtkinter
from tkdial import Dial

app = customtkinter.CTk()
app.grid_columnconfigure((0,1), weight=1)
app.grid_rowconfigure((0,1), weight=1)

frame_1 = customtkinter.CTkFrame(master=app)
frame_1.grid(padx=20, pady=20, sticky="nswe")

dial1 = Dial(master=frame_1, color_gradient=("green", "cyan"),
             text_color="white", text="Current: ", unit_length=10, radius=50)
dial1.grid(padx=20, pady=20)

dial2 = Dial(master=frame_1, color_gradient=("yellow", "white"),
             text_color="white", text="Position: ", unit_length=10, radius=50)
dial2.grid(padx=20, pady=20)

dial3 = Dial(master=frame_1, color_gradient=("white", "pink"),
             text_color="white", text=" ", unit_length=10, radius=50)
dial3.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=20, pady=20)

dial4 = Dial(master=frame_1, color_gradient=("green", "green"),
             text_color="white", text="", unit_width=15, radius=50)
dial4.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=20, pady=20)


Screenshot 3


Parameters Description
master The master parameter is the parent widget
bg The default background color of the dial widget
width Define width of the widget manually (optional)
height Define height of the widget manually (optional)
x Determines the horizontal position of the dial in the canvas
y Determines the vertical position of the dial in the canvas
start The start point of the range from where the needle will rotate
end The end point of the range
radius Determines the distance of the unit lines between the center and the edge and also the length of the needle line
unit_length Specify the length of the lines
unit_width Specify the width of the lines
unit_color Specify the color of the unit lines
needle_color Specify the color of the needle line
color_gradient Specify which color gradient will be used for the units
text A string that will be displayed under the dial object with value
text_color Specify the color of the text that will be displayed under the dial object
text_font Specify the font of the text that will be displayed under the dial object
integer A boolean (True/False), displays only the integer value in text if True (default=False)
scroll A boolean (True/False), enables mouse scroll in dial (default=True)
scroll_steps Number of steps per scroll
state Specify the state of the needle
command Call a function whenever the needle is rotated


Methods Description
.get() get the current value of the dial
.set() set the value of the dial
.configure() configure parameters of the dial

Scroll Knob


Simple Example

import tkinter
from tkdial import ScrollKnob
app = tkinter.Tk()

knob = ScrollKnob(app, start=0, end=100, steps=10)

Simple Program

Different Knob styles:

import customtkinter
from tkdial import ScrollKnob

app = customtkinter.CTk()

knob1 = ScrollKnob(app, radius=250, progress_color="#87ceeb", steps=10,
                 border_width=40, start_angle=90, inner_width=1, outer_width=1,
                 text_font="calibri 20", text_color="#87ceeb", bar_color="black")
knob1.grid(row=0, column=0)

knob2 = ScrollKnob(app, radius=200, progress_color="#7eff00",
                 border_width=40, start_angle=90, inner_width=1, outer_width=0,
                 text_font="calibri 20", text_color="#7eff00", integer=True,
knob2.grid(row=1, column=0)

knob3 = ScrollKnob(app, text=" ", radius=250, progress_color="white",
                   bar_color="#2937a6", border_width=30, start_angle=0, inner_width=5,
                   outer_width=0, text_font="calibri 20", steps=1, text_color="white", fg="#303ba1")
knob3.grid(row=0, column=1)

knob4 = ScrollKnob(app, text=" ", steps=10, radius=200, bar_color="#242424", 
                   progress_color="yellow", outer_color="yellow", outer_length=10, 
                   border_width=30, start_angle=270, inner_width=0, outer_width=5, text_font="calibri 20", 
                   text_color="white", fg="#212325")
knob4.grid(row=1, column=1)

Complex example


Parameters Description
master The master parameter is the parent widget
bg The default background color of the knob widget
width Define width of the widget manually (optional)
height Define height of the widget manually (optional)
start The start point of the range from where the bar will rotate
end The end point of the range
radius Define the radius of the knob
border_width Define the width of progress bar with respect to the outer and inner ring
start_angle Determines the angle from where to rotate
text A string that will be displayed on the knob with value
text_color Specify the color of the text that will be displayed on the knob
text_font Specify the font of the text that will be displayed on the knob
integer A boolean (True/False), displays only the integer value in text if True (default=False)
fg Specify the color of the inner circle
progress_color Define the color of the progress bar
bar_color Define the color of the progress bar's background
inner_width Define the width of the inner ring
inner_color Specify the color of the inner ring
outer_width Define the width of the outer ring
outer_length Define the distance between progress bar and outer ring
inner_color Specify the color of the outer ring
steps Number of steps per scroll
state Specify the state of the needle
command Call a function whenever the bar is moved


Methods Description
.get() get the current value of the knob
.set() set the value of the knob
.configure() configure parameters of the knob



Simple Example

import tkinter
from tkdial import Meter

root = tkinter.Tk()
dial = Meter(root)
dial.pack(padx=10, pady=10)



Different Meter Styles:

import customtkinter
from tkdial import Meter

app = customtkinter.CTk()

meter1 = Meter(app, radius=300, start=0, end=160, border_width=0,
               fg="black", text_color="white", start_angle=270, end_angle=-270,
               text_font="DS-Digital 30", scale_color="white", needle_color="red")
meter1.set_mark(140, 160) # set red marking from 140 to 160
meter1.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=20, pady=30)

meter2 = Meter(app, radius=260, start=0, end=200, border_width=5,
               fg="black", text_color="white", start_angle=270, end_angle=-360,
               text_font="DS-Digital 30", scale_color="black", axis_color="white",
meter2.set_mark(1, 100, "#92d050")
meter2.set_mark(105, 150, "yellow")
meter2.set_mark(155, 196, "red")
meter2.set(80) # set value
meter2.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=20, pady=30)

meter3 = Meter(app, fg="#242424", radius=300, start=0, end=50,
               major_divisions=10, border_width=0, text_color="white",
               start_angle=0, end_angle=-360, scale_color="white", axis_color="cyan",
               needle_color="white",  scroll_steps=0.2)
meter3.grid(row=0, column=2, pady=30)




Parameters Description
master The master parameter is the parent widget
bg The default background color of the meter widget
fg Specify the color of the meter face
width Define width of the widget manually (optional)
height Define height of the widget manually (optional)
start The start point of the range from where the needle will rotate
end The end point of the range
start_angle Determines the starting angle of the arc
end_angle Determines the final angle of the arc
radius Determines the radius for the widget
major_divisions Determines the number of major lines in the scale
minor_divisions Determines the number of minor lines in the scale
scale_color Specify the color of the meter scale
border_width Define the width of the border case (default=1)
border_color Specify the color of the border case
needle_color Specify the color of the needle line
axis_color Specify which color of the axis wheel
text A string that will be displayed under the meter with value
text_color Specify the color of the text that will be displayed under the meter
text_font Specify the font of the text that will be displayed under the meter
integer A boolean (True/False), displays only the integer value in text if True (default=False)
scroll A boolean (True/False), enables mouse scroll in meter (default=True)
scroll_steps Number of steps per scroll
state Unbind/Bind the mouse movement with the needle
command Call a function whenever the needle is rotated


Methods Description
.get() get the current value of the meter
.set() set the value of the meter
.configure() configure parameters of the meter
.set_mark() set markings for the scale. Eg: meter.set_mark(from, to, color)



import tkinter
from tkdial import Jogwheel

app = tkinter.Tk()

knob = Jogwheel(app)




import customtkinter
from tkdial import Jogwheel

app = customtkinter.CTk()

wheel_1 = Jogwheel(app, radius=200, fg="#045252", scale_color="white",
                text=None, button_radius=10)
wheel_1.set_mark(0,100, "green")


wheel_2 = Jogwheel(app, radius=200, fg="#045252", scale_color="white", start_angle=0,
                   end_angle=360, start=0, end=200, text="Volume: ", button_radius=10)
wheel_2.set_mark(0,50, "blue")
wheel_2.set_mark(50, 90, "green")
wheel_2.set_mark(90, 150, "orange")
wheel_2.set_mark(150, 200, "red")


Jogwheel styles


Parameters Description
master The master parameter is the parent widget
bg The default background color of the widget
fg Specify the color of the wheel face
width Define width of the widget manually (optional)
height Define height of the widget manually (optional)
start The start point of the range from where the knob will rotate
end The end point of the range
start_angle Determines the starting angle of the arc
end_angle Determines the final angle of the arc
radius Determines the radius for the widget
divisions Determines the number of scale lines in the scale
division_height Determines the height of scale lines
scale_color Specify the color of the knob scale
border_width Define the width of the border case (default=1)
border_color Specify the color of the border case
button_color Specify the color of the knob
button_radius Specify the radius the knob
text A string that will be displayed with value
text_color Specify the color of the text that will be displayed
text_font Specify the font of the text that will be displayed
integer A boolean (True/False), displays only the integer value in text if True (default=False)
scroll A boolean (True/False), enables mouse scroll (default=True)
scroll_steps Number of steps per scroll
state Unbind/Bind the mouse movement with the widget
command Call a function whenever the needle is rotated


Methods Description
.get() get the current value of the knob
.set() set the value of the knob
.configure() configure parameters of the knob
.set_mark() set markings for the scale. Eg: meter.set_mark(from, to, color)



import tkinter
from tkdial import ImageKnob

app = tkinter.Tk()

customknob = ImageKnob(app, image="knob.png")




# Note: images are not provided, only for reference
import customtkinter
from tkdial import ImageKnob

app = customtkinter.CTk()

customknob = ImageKnob(app, image="knob.png", text_color="white", text="Volume ")
customknob.grid(row=0, column=0)

customknob2 = ImageKnob(app, image="knob2.png", scale_image="scale1.png",text="", scale_width=120)
customknob2.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=20)

customknob3 = ImageKnob(app, image="knob3.png", scale_image="scale2.png",text="",
                        scale_width=50, start_angle=20, end_angle=-240,
                        progress_color="cyan", progress=True)
customknob3.grid(row=0, column=2)


customknob styles


Parameters Description
master The master parameter is the parent widget
bg The default background color of the widget
width Define width of the widget manually (optional)
height Define height of the widget manually (optional)
start The start point of the range from where the knob will rotate
end The end point of the range
image pass the knob image
scale_image add a scale image (optional)
scale_width specify relative distance between scale and knob image
start_angle Determines the starting angle of the knob
end_angle Determines the final angle of the knob
radius Determines the radius for the widget
text A string that will be displayed with value
text_color Specify the color of the text that will be displayed
text_font Specify the font of the text that will be displayed
integer A boolean (True/False), displays only the integer value in text if True (default=False)
scroll A boolean (True/False), enables mouse scroll (default=True)
scroll_steps Number of steps per scroll
state Unbind/Bind the mouse movement with the widget
command Call a function whenever the needle is rotated


Methods Description
.get() get the current value of the widget
.set() set the value of the widget
.configure() configure parameters of the widget

Note: Images should be cropped in fixed ratio (1:1) and saved with transparency(png).


This library is focused to create some circular widgets that can be used with Tkinter/Customtkinter easily. I hope it will be helpful in UI development with python.