
  1. User Auth:

    • Users can sign up with a unique email and password.
    • Users can log in with their email and password.
    • Passwords are hashed and salted before storing them in the database.
    • After successful signup and login user receives a JSON web token (JWT) for authentication.
  2. Meal Records:

    • Users can add new meal records with time, meal name, calories
    • Users can enter meal, and time without calories. In that case, we will use to call this API and fetch calories via meal name. If calories are not found using this API, default calories can be taken as 250.
    • User can view see all meals.
    • Users can update meal records by id
    • Implemented pagination and other filters like limit, search to fetch meal records
  3. Role Permissions:

    • There are 2 kinds of roles: users (given to everyone) and admins.
    • Users can CRUD only their records
    • Admins can CRUD everyone's records
    • Admins can make any user an admin and make any admin a normal user
    • Admins can check stats like total users, meals, admins