A light-weight efficient implementation for gRPC connection pool.
For detailed documentation please visit this wiki
- Support for statically generated code(protobuf) files
Names of the RPC function must Match /^_[A-Z]/, meaning it must start with an _
followed by an Upper-Case letter
Sample .proto
syntax = "proto3";
package Hello;
service Greeting {
rpc NotAvailable(Request) returns (Reply) {};
rpc _Hi(Request) returns (Reply) {};
message Request {
string msg = 1;
message Reply {
string resp = 1;
** Note that the RPC NotAvailable
will not be exposed by this library
const PROTO_FILE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'hello_grpc_pb');
const client = new GRPCClient(PROTO_FILE_PATH, {
maxConnections : 5,
packageName : 'Hello',
serviceName : 'Greeting',
url : 'localhost:50001',
prefix : 'RPC'
const { RPC_Hi } = client;
const response = await RPC_Hi({msg: 'Hey Bot!'})
Note: You must use the same naming convention mentioned for the above protobuf file
const PROTO_FILE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'hello_grpc_pb');
const client = new GRPCClient(PROTO_FILE_PATH, {
maxConnections : 2,
rpcPrefix : 'RPC',
serviceName : 'Greeting',
url : 'localhost:50001',
staticFile : true,
const { RPC_Hi } = client;
const request = new messages.Request();
const res = await RPC_Hi(request);
Notice the usage of staticFile
flag. Also notice that packageName is not needed when static file is being used.
npm i lib -S
npm run lint
npm run build
npm test
npm run coverage
This is open-source, which makes it obvious for any PRs, but I would request you to add necessary test-cases for the same