DarkLight is a web application where you can enroll in courses and learn from them. If you are aspired to be a teacher, you can create your own courses and teach them to the world.
This is the web frontend for DarkLight. It is built using React, NextJS, Redux, and TailwindCSS.
First, get it in your system:
git clone https://github.com/AkashSDas/camps-for-champs-frontend.git
cd camps-for-champs-frontend
npm install
Then polulate the .env file with the following variables. You can find the example of the .env file in the .env.example file.
Backend URL (update this if you are using a different backend URL)
You would need Stripe account to get a publishable key
- ReactJS & NextJS
- Tailwind CSS
- Redux
- SWR & Axios
- Framer Motion
- Stripe
- React Beautiful DND
- Formik & Yup
- Debounce
- Jest, Jest DOM & Testing Library
Currently testing has only been setup and no tests have been written. To run the tests, run the following command:
npm run test
- Authentication
- Course enrollment
- Course editor - course, group, & lesson
- Course learn page - course, group, & lesson
- Add tests
- Refactor code
- Make a design system
- Make it responsive
- Add SEO
- Optimize API requests
- Add search functionality for browsing courses
- Add search functionality for browsing course (learn & editor)