
Run the following two commands to compile for server and client:

  1. g++ -pthread -std=c++17 -I./include/ src/ServerSocket.cpp src/Socket.cpp src/echo_server.cpp -o server
  2. g++ -pthread -std=c++17 -I./include/ src/ClientSocket.cpp src/Socket.cpp src/profiling_client.cpp src/ProfilingClientSocket.cpp -o client

To run, first run server then client:

  1. ./server
  2. ./client

Additional notes:

  1. The format of a message is "<msg*>***********" here * is a letter of alphabet [a-z], based on index. For eg: if msg_count = 4, msg_length=10 msgs = {"aaaa", "bbbb", "cccc", "dddd"}

  2. The client application can be given additional command line arguments ./client {message_count} {message_length} {IP_address}

    message_count: number of messages between 1-26 (default: 3) message_length: length of messages between 10-1024 (default: 20) IP_address: IP address string (default: "")

About the source code:

  1. Classes - a) Socket b) Socket is inherited by ServerSocket, Client Socket c) ClientSocket is inherited by ProfilingClientSocket d) Socket exception to raise socket exceptions
  2. demo_server.cpp and profiling_client.cpp have the respective server and client main functions.