
Repo for a site domain check

Primary LanguageGo

Health Check CLI


This is a simple command-line interface (CLI) application written in Go that checks the health of a system. It uses the urfave/cli package to handle command-line arguments and flags.


To install this application, you need to have Go installed on your machine. Once Go is installed, you can clone this repository and build the application.

git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-directory>
go build -o healthcheck


The application requires the domain name to check. The port is optional and defaults to 80 if not provided.

./healthcheck --domain example.com --port 8080

or using short flags:

./healthcheck -d example.com -p 8080

The application will output the health status of the provided domain on the specified port.


  • --domain or -d: The domain name to check. This flag is required.
  • --port or -p: The port to check. This flag is optional.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

The available command-line flags for the Health Check CLI are:

  • --domain or -d: This flag is used to specify the domain name to check. This flag is required.
  • --port or -p: This flag is used to specify the port to check. This flag is optional. If not provided, the default value is "80".
