
The "Gold Jewellery Price Predictor" is an interactive web application designed to estimate the price of gold jewelry items based on user-provided details. The application leverages Machine Learning techniques to generate predictions, offering users insights into the potential cost of their desired gold jewelry piece.

Primary LanguagePython


The "Gold Jewellery Price Predictor" is an interactive web application designed to estimate the price of gold jewelry items based on user-provided details. The application leverages Machine Learning techniques to generate predictions, offering users insights into the potential cost of their desired gold jewelry piece. Functionality:

User Interface:

The project's main interface is a web page that opens in a browser. The page layout utilizes Bootstrap components and styles for a responsive and visually appealing design. Input Collection:

The web page presents a form that allows users to input various attributes of the gold jewelry piece they are interested in purchasing. Input Features:

Jewellery Type: Users can select the type of jewelry they want to predict the price for, such as necklace, chain, ring, bracelet, etc. Weight: Users input the weight of the jewelry in grams, within a range of 2 to 50 grams. Carat: Users can choose the carat value of the gold, which can be 20, 22, or 24. Color: Users select the color of the gold jewelry, choosing from options like white, rose, or yellow. Hallmark Status: Users indicate whether the jewelry has a hallmark (yes or no). Price Prediction:

After entering the necessary details, users click the "Predict Price" button to initiate the prediction process. Machine Learning Model:

Behind the scenes, the project employs a Machine Learning model, to predict the price of the gold jewelry based on the provided attributes. This model is trained using historical data that correlates features like weight, carat, color, and hallmark status with jewelry prices.

Prediction Display:

Once the prediction is calculated, the estimated price is displayed on the web page. The predicted price is dynamically updated without requiring a page refresh, providing immediate feedback to the user.


A user visits the web page titled "Gold Jewellery Price Predictor." They are greeted with a welcoming header and a brief explanation of the application's purpose. The user proceeds to fill out the form, selecting the type of jewelry, inputting weight, choosing carat, specifying color, and indicating hallmark status. Upon clicking the "Predict Price" button, the Machine Learning model processes the inputs and generates a predicted price. The predicted price is displayed on the page, giving the user an estimate of the cost for the specified jewelry.

In summary, the "Gold Jewellery Price Predictor" is a web-based ML project that aims to assist users in estimating the price of gold jewelry items by providing various attributes. It combines modern web development techniques with machine learning to offer a user-friendly and informative experience for those interested in purchasing gold jewelry.