
Page Object Model (POM) Test Automation Framework


This is a sample Page Object Model (POM) framework for web application test automation using C# and Selenium WebDriver.

Folder Structure

  • Pages: Contains classes representing web pages with their locators and methods.
  • Tests: Contains test classes that use the Page classes to perform tests.
  • Utilities: Contains utility classes for common functionalities like logging, reading configurations, etc.

Libraries Required

  • NUnit (Unit testing framework for C#)
  • Selenium WebDriver (Library for web browser automation)
  • WebDriverManager (Library to manage web drivers)

Folder Structure

  • Pages: Contains classes representing web pages with their locators and methods.
  • Tests: Contains test classes that use the Page classes to perform tests.
  • Utilities: Contains utility classes for common functionalities like logging, reading configurations, etc.

Please adjust the namespaces, project structure, and any other details to fit your specific project requirements.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Ensure you have Visual Studio installed.
  3. Open the solution file in Visual Studio.
  4. Build the solution to restore NuGet packages.
  5. Run the tests from the Test Explorer in Visual Studio.


  • This framework uses NUnit as the unit testing framework.
  • WebDriverManager is used to manage web drivers for different browsers.

Feel free to modify and expand this framework as needed for your project.