Clockify Report Parser

This script parses time tracking reports generated from the Clockify app and calculates various metrics including total work time per month. It allows for customization to account for part-time schedules, paid leaves, and report formats.


  • Parses Clockify reports in CSV and XLSX formats.
  • Calculates total work time per month.
  • Compares work time with expected work time (workhours.json, taken from
  • Accounts for part-time schedules defined in a JSON file (partTime.json).
  • Recognizes paid leave periods specified in a JSON file (paidLeave.json).

There are example json files provided in /examples/ dir, so you can know figure out the structure.


pnpm install
pnpm start -i <path-to-report-file>

By default, the script will look for json files in ./data/partTime.json and ./data/paidLeave.json. You can pass a custom path to these files like this: --part-time-ranges <path-to-part-time-json-file> --paid-leave <path-to-paid-leave-json-file>. If these files are not found, the script will assume all full-time and no paid leave.

Example usage:

pnpm start -i ./data/Clockify_Time_Report_Detailed_01_07_2022-23_04_2023.xlsx  --part-time-ranges ./data/partTime.json --paid-leave ./data/paidLeave.json

input files specification:

-i: path to clockify detailed report (xlsx or CSV) for single user. You can generate one here: You have to switch the filter to only include 1 user.

--part-time-ranges: path to JSON file with part time information. Matches the examples/partTime.example.json structure

--paid-leave: path to JSON file with paid leave information. Matches the examples/paidLeave.example.json structure