
mesafe tahmini yapabilen ve nesne tanımlayabilen proje (python-opencv & yolov4)

Primary LanguagePython


TR:mesafe tahmini yapabilen ve nesne tanımlayabilen proje (python-opencv & yolov4) EN:project that can estimate distance and identify objects ########################################################################################################################## TR:program index hatası veriyorsa opencv-contrib sürümünüz ile ilgili bir problem olabilir EN:If the program gives an index error, there may be a problem with your opencv-contrib version. solution: pip install opencv-contrib-python== ########################################################################################################################## TR:var oldugundan emin olmanız gerekenler EN:Things to make sure you have 1-cv2 (pip install opencv-python) 2-numpy 3-opencv-contrib (opencv-contrib-python)