
Repo containing various small examples using Twilio API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Repo containing various small examples using Twilio API. Applications include video calling, sending sms, and making phone calls.

Video Conference App

A multi-client video conferencing application using Twilio API and Python's Flask web framework.



Step 1: First you'll need to create a Twilio account by going to this link.

Step 2: Navigate to this [link] (https://www.twilio.com/console/project/api-keys) to get the API and secret keys for your account.

Step 3: Create a virtualenv

  -> Open CMD/terminal
  -> To create the environment, type: python -m venv env_name
  -> To activate the environment, type: . venv/bin/activate

Step 4: Install all the requirements by typing: pip install -r requirements.txt.

Step 5: Copy the .env.template file to a new .env file.

Step 6: Open the .env file and fill your Account key, API key and Secret key in their respective fields.

Step 7: Run the app.py application using : python app.py

Step 8: Then open the browser and goto http://localhost:5000. Fill out the Name text field and click on the

Please Note: You might want to allow the firewall to share data publically. Also, allow the Microphone and Camera use in your browser.


Feel Free to contact me at akshatbajpai.biz@gmail.com for any kind of comments, feedback, queries, explanations, critics, etc. Do checkout my other projects at http://akbexpo.blogspot.com/ I would love to hear from y'all!



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


!Twilio-python docs

!Miguel Grinberg

!Twilio-python github repo