Ubuntu with TS3 Server.
- Ubuntu + Teamspeak 3 Server
- Some files can be injected to host:
- query_ip_whitelist.txt
- query_ip_blacklist.txt
- logs
- files (Not yet)
- ts3server.sqlitedb
- licence (Maybe; Dont have one)
- ts3server.ini (Not tested)
I made bigger updates to the Dockerfile to simplify and streamline the whole process. Please read the following infos carefully! The old image used root to run the ts3-server and there all created files had root-permission. The new image uses a dedicated user (ts3) with a default UID of 1000 which can be overridden with an ENV-variable (TS3_UID). So in case you want to use old data you most probably need to chown the old files to the new user/uid. Also the volumes inside the container have changed, the strcture itself should be the same - so the docker run command will differ slightly from the old version.
I recommend to use the new 'docker volume' command in conjunction with this TS3-Container, but its obviously up to you.
docker volume create --name ts3-data
docker run --name=ts3 -p 9987:9987/udp -p 30033:30033 -p 10011:10011 -v ts3-data:/home/ts3/data akendo/docker-teamspeak3:latest
# create the data container
docker run --name=ts3-data --entrypoint /bin/true devalx/docker-teamspeak3:latest
# Now start the actual TS3-Server
docker run --name=ts3 -d --volumes-from ts3-data -p 9987:9987/udp -p 30033:30033 -p 10011:10011 akendo/docker-teamspeak3:latest
The data-container does not need to be running for this to work.
docker run --name ts3 -d -p 9987:9987/udp -p 30033:30033 -p 10011:10011 -v {FOLDER}:/home/ts3/data akendo/docker-teamspeak3:latest
If you experience permission problems, especially after an upgrade, you can use the TS3_UID-env to set the user for the teamspeak-server process (inside the container). When using an mounted host-directory, the owner of the files will be the UID of this internal user (default is 1000)
docker run --name ts3 -d -p -e TS3_UID=1001 9987:9987/udp -p 30033:30033 -p 10011:10011 -v {FOLDER}:/home/ts3/data devalx/docker-teamspeak3:latest
This would change the internal user to an UID of 1001.
This is still WIP.
After starting the container you probably want to get the Admin secret with:
sudo docker logs ts3
Just stop and remove the old container, then start again at "Creating container". You may have to pull the image again if its not updating. CAUTION: Didnt test if all files are really persisted or if the TS3 process overwrites some files. So make sure you have a backup.
If your host uses SELinux it may be necessary to use the :z option:
docker run --name ts3 -d -p 9987:9987/udp -p 30033:30033 -p 10011:10011 -v /data/teamspeak:/home/ts3/data:z devalx/docker-teamspeak3:latest
Also see issue #6