
A powerful tool that helps you enjoy more fun when fighting your friends with emoticons

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Project Emofighter

PyPI - Python Version pipenv - Version opencv-python Version pillow version pywin32 version matplotlib version

A powerful tool that helps you enjoy more fun when fighting your friends with emoticons.

You can easily creat some emotion like this:


Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


We using pipenv for our package management. So we can install depends with pipenv

  1. Install pipenv(Skips this when you aleady isntalled):
pip3 install pipenv
  1. Install depended packages with pipenv: Init a project, the pipenv will read all depended packages from Pipfile file.
pipenv install

Pipenv is the package and virtual environment manage tools for these project, you can see more about it in HERE

Run the script

#Enter pipenv shell
pipenv shell
#run script
python emofigther.py -f awkward -bg default -t hhhhhhhhhhhhhh


pipenv run python emofigther.py -f diss -bg cry -t hhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Using Emofighter

emofigther.py [-h] [-f {smail,awkward,diss,laugth}] [-bg {default,cry,doubt,point}] -t TEXT


-h, --help show this help message and exit

-f FACE, --face FACE select the face in [awkward|diss|laugth|smail]

-bg BACKGROUND, --background BACKGROUND select the background in [cry|default|doubt|point]

-t TEXT, --text TEXT the text on emoticon

More configurations

All configurations is located in configs.py


    "app_root": os.getcwd(), # Configs the root path of scrpit main workspace PLEASE DO NOT MODIFIY IT NOT NECESSARY 
    "resources": "resources" # Configs the resource path



the emo configs the face and backgrounds of emoticon

"backgrounds":[ # configs a background list for emotion creation
        # it just a name
        # the image path, using get_resource("") when relatived the resources path or a absolute path as well.
        # the command of the resource, same as the value of "-f" option like "emofigther.py -f default" etc.
    # ...other backgrounds...
"faces":[ # configs a face list for emotion creation
        # it just a name
        # the image path, using get_resource("") when relatived the resources path or a absolute path as well.
        # the command of the resource, same as the value of "-bg" option like "emofigther.py -bg smail" etc.
    # ...other faces...
Customizing Resources

you can create your own background image just flows these rules:

  1. 250 pixel width
  2. A circle like area in wite [RGB(255,255,255)] here is an example:


and face image just flows these rules:

  1. with a wite background as wite as you can.
  2. put the face in the center as you can.
  3. see the rule 1. here is an example:


Running the tests

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And coding style tests

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Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system

Built With




This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • 增加对配文的语义分析、情感分析,自动生成表情图
  • 增加WebApi
  • 增加Web交互UI